If you are a current UC Davis faculty member and are interested in being considered for membership in the MPVM program, please email a copy of your CV to the Membership Chair, Dr. Sharif Aly (saly@ucdavis.edu), and the Graduate Program Coordinator, Eveline Gutierrez (elgutierrez@ucdavis.edu).
Adaska, John
Aiemjoy, Kristen
Department of Public Health Sciences; UC Davis School of Medicine
Research Interest: Infectious disease surveillance, diagnostics, and sero-epidemiology, focusing on enteric infections.
E-mail: kaiemjoy@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Aly, Sharif
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Dairy cattle infectious disease epidemiology.
Email: saly@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Angelos, John
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Internal medicine and infectious diseases of food producing animals, pathogenesis and prevention of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in ruminants, and development of improved vaccination/vaccine delivery strategies to support sustainable food production practices.
Email: jaangelos@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Aralis, Hilary
Division of Biostatistics
Research Interest: Evaluation of behavioral health interventions, statistical methods for the modeling of incomplete longitudinal and hierarchical data, multiple testing adjustment for correlated outcomes, community-partnered participatory research, implementation and translational science
Email: hjaralis@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Ardeshir, Amir
Atwill, E. Robert
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Epidemiology and medical ecology of infectious disease transmitted between livestock, wildlife and humans.
E-mail: ratwill@vmtrc.ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Barker, Christopher
Center for Vectorborne Diseases
Research Interest: Climate and landscape factors driving mosquito-borne virus transmission, systems for control of arboviruses, transmission risk and pathogen transmission.
E-mail: cmbarker@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Boyce, Walter
Busch, Roselle
Department of Population Health & Reproduction
Research Interest: Applied research in small ruminant health and disease mitigation with a systems approach to livestock health and production across the many sectors of small ruminant production in California.
Email: rcbusch@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Chigerwe, Munashe
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Food animal production medicine, passive transfer of immunity in calves.
E-mail: mchigerwe@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Chomel, Bruno
Christopher, Mary
Conlon, Kathryn
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Topics relating to climate change in an urban setting and adaptation strategies to protect human health in a changing climate.
Email: kcconlon@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Conrad, Patricia
Crossley, Beate
Department of Virology & Biotechnology, California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory
Research Interest: Mammalian virology, food animal emphasis.
E-mail: bcrossley@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Depenbrock, Sarah
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interests: Antimicrobial use and resistance in livestock as relates to bovine respiratory disease and calf management practices
Email: smdepenbrock@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Desai, Angel
Global Migration Center
Research Interests: Using non-traditional epidemiological data for emerging diseases and outbreaks, particularly among displaced and other vulnerable populations. She is also interested in policy implications of communicable surveillance among refugees and IDPs, and global governance of public health systems for these populations.
Email: andesai@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
ElAshmawy, Wagdy
Dairy Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory
Research Interests: main interests are researching the epidemiology of infectious diseases and implementation of effective preventive and control strategies to control diseases of significance to both livestock and the people whose livelihood and health relies on livestock.
Email: welashmawy@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Interest
Farver, Thomas
Foley, Janet
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Epidemiology of vectorborne disease, simulation and analytic modeling of infectious disease persistence and emergence in nature, conservation ecology and disease.
E-mail: jefoley@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Gallardo, Rodrigo
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest:
Our Laboratory specializes on RNA viral endemic pathogens in the U.S. We have performed research in infectious bursal disease (Gumboro), avian Influenza, Newcastle disease virus and infectious bronchitis virus. Our main focus is to study molecular evolution and variability of infectious bronchitis virus, lately we have been exploring the basis behind the genetic resistance to infectious bronchitis virus.We have an investigation line in vaccine design using diatoms as novel adjuvants and boosters of immune responses.We also explore the One Health aspects of veterinary medicine using poultry as a model for our work in Africa and Central America
Email: ragallardo@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Gilardi, Kirsten
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Ecosystem health, diseases of free-ranging wildlife.
Email: kvgilardi@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Giulivi, Cecilia
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Research Interest: Underlying mitochondrial biology in different pathophysiological cases including autism, schizophrenia, Huntington's and fragile X tremor and ataxia syndrome.
Email: cgiulivi@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Hauser, Naomi
Internal Medicine, UC Davis Health
Research Interest: infectious disease physician offering care for adults with general infectious diseases and HIV, and is specifically experienced with young adults with HIV as they transition from pediatrics to adult HIV care. Additional clinical interests include the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases, hospital epidemiology, infection prevention, and antimicrobial stewardship.
Email: nehauser@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Hawkins, Michelle
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Critical care and diseases of birds of prey in the rehabilitation environment, with an emphasis on the urban wildlife interface.
Email: mghawkins@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Heller, Meera
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Main interests are researching the epidemiology of infectious diseases and implementation of effective preventive and control strategies to control diseases of significance to both livestock and the people whose livelihood and health relies on livestock.
Email: mcheller@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Hill, Ashley
California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory
Research Interest: Clinical immunology, interpretation of livestock and poultry serology, diagnostic test evaluation and validation.
E-mail: aehill@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Hird, David
Imai-Leonard, Denise
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Diagnostic pathology, laboratory animals, wildlife.
Email: dmimai@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Jay-Russell, Michele
Johnson, Christine Kreuder
Wildlife Health Center/One Health Institute
Research Interest: Ecosystem-level processes and emerging infectious disease in wildlife.
E-mail: ckjohnson@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Kass, Philip
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Non-experimental inference, epidemiologic methodology, analytical epidemiology of environmental hazards of animals and humans, companion animal epidemiology.
E-mail: phkass@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Keller, Krista
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Mycological conditions of reptiles and clinical medicine in zoological companion animals.
E-mail: kakell@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Kelly, Terra
Wildlife Health Center
Research Interest: Emerging infectious disease, wildlife medicine.
Email: trkelly@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Klingborg, Donald
Lehenbauer, Terry
Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center
Research Interest: Dairy cattle herd health and production medicine with an emphasis on infectious disease epidemiology, risk management and animal health economics, especially related to bovine respiratory disease, mastitis, and antimicrobial stewardship.
Email: tlehenbauer@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Lima, Fabio
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Advancing the health, fertility, and productive traits of dairy cows to optimize their contribution to environmental stewardship and sustainability of the global food supply. His research has been focused on three areas: 1) reproductive performance, 2) antimicrobial stewardship, and 3) host-genome and gut microbiome interplay on productive traits.
E-mail: falima@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Madigan, John
Maier, Gabriele
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Beef cattle herd health and welfare, Association of management factors with incidence and prevalence of disease; development of on-farm measures and plans for disease prevention; scoring systems for diagnosis of bovine respiratory disease, Risk assessment and economics for preventive measures in beef cattle production systems, Judicious use of antimicrobials and anti-parasitic drugs in cattle, Beef quality assurance and food safety, Infectious disease epidemiology.
Email: gumaier@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Martinez Lopez, Beatriz
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Quantitative Epidemiology: Spatial analysis, Risk analysis, Disease spread models, social network analysis, statistical analysis (both Frequentists and Bayesian).
Email: beamartinezlopez@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Mazet, Jonna
Wildlife Health Center/One Health Institute
Research Interest: Promotion of wellness at wildlife-human-domestic animal interface, disease ecology, role of health in recovery and conservation of endangered species.
E-mail: jkmazet@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
McCobb, Emily
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Accessible Veterinary Care, in particular the evidence base for low cost, effective care; welfare of cats, dogs, and rabbits; shelter policy. Expertise in anesthesia, analgesia, and assessment of subjective states like stress and pain.
E-mail: emccobb@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
McCowan, Brenda
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Animal health, management and well-being; Wildlife conservation; Bioacoustics; Ethology.
Email: bjmccowan@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
McNabb, Brett
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Livestock Herd Health and Reproduction, VMTH
Research Interest: Beef cattle and small ruminant herd health. Livestock reproductive disease diagnosis and management, assisted reproductive technology.
Email: brmcnabb@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Miglioretti, Diana L
Department of Public Health Sciences
Research Interest: Multilevel and latent variable models, longitudinal and clustered data analysis, and the evaluation of screening and diagnostic tests. Collaborative research includes breast cancer screening and radiation exposure from medical imaging.
E-mail: dmiglioretti@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Moody, Carly
Department of Animal Science
Research Interest: My research program uses a combination of applied ethology and epidemiology research methods and statistical techniques to study animal welfare. Broadly, I currently have three areas of study: 1) mitigating agonism in socially housed animals, 2) examining human-animal interactions during handling and other animal procedures, and 3) improving cat welfare in the veterinary clinic.
Email: cmoody@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Okello, Emmanuel
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: International livestock health and antimicrobial resistance. Promoting the judicious use of antibiotics and control of antimicrobial resistance on California dairy herds. Working with farmers and other stakeholders to improve livestock health and productivity.
Email: eokello@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Pandey, Pramod
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: To derive engineering solutions (involving veterinarians, engineers, specialist, farm managers, and dairy farmers) for controlling microbial pathogens from animal waste.
Email: pkpandey@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Pandit, Pranav
One Health Institute, Veterinary Medicine
Research Interest: Wildlife disease ecology and wildlife surveillance. Predictive modeling, especially machine learning and infectious disease modeling to understand disease transmission, predict health outcomes in animal populations, and understand zoonotic risk and emergence of novel viruses in wildlife.
Email: pspandit@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Pereira, Richard
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Livestock Herd Health and Reproduction Service
Research Interest: Emergence, persistence and transmission ecology of antimicrobial resistant and zoonotic bacteria in livestock, with the aim of developing effective and feasible interventions to reduce and prevent the spread of drug resistance.
E-mail: rvpereira@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Pires, Alda
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Quantitative methods to identify strategies that improve animal health and control infectious diseases in livestock on small-scale farms. Interested in applying and developing epidemiological tools to monitor potential food safety hazards and identify strategies to reduce the dissemination of foodborne pathogens in pre-harvest small farm environments and the spread of infectious disease in the food supply. Also interested in integrating epidemiological methods such as temporal-spatial, molecular analysis and risk assessment in order to support risk-based surveillance and infectious disease control strategies, and the improvement of animal health and food safety.
E-mail: apires@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Pitesky, Maurice
Department of Population Health & Reproduction
Research Interest: Application of classic and spatial epidemiology in disease surveillance, food safety management, and other processes associated with poultry health.
E-mail: mepitesky@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Rossow, Heidi
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Systems approach to explore interactions between nutrition, metabolism and disease and their effects on beef and dairy production.
Email: harossow@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Rowe, Joan
Shapiro, Karen
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Research Interest: Areas of research interest include transport and fate of zoonotic pathogens in watersheds and coastal ecosystems; effects of landscape change and climate variability on disease transmission; impacts of water scarcity and impaired quality on human and animal population health, and food safety.
E-mail: kshapiro@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Silva del Rio, Noelia
Department of Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Herd health
Email: nsilvadelrio@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Smiley Evans, Tierra
Wildlife Health Center
Research Interest: Emerging zoonotic diseases, ecosystem health, conservation of endangered species.
Email: tsmevans@ucdavis.edu
Smith, Fauna
Department of Population Health & Reproduction
Research Interest: Emerging diseases, immune development and sex differences in ruminants; development/assessment of herd level preventative measures for infectious disease.
Email: flsmith@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Smith, Woutrina
Wildlife Health Center/One Health Institute
Research Interest: Zoonotic diseases at human/animal/environment interface.
Email: wasmith@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Soto Martinez, Esteban
Department of Medicine and Epidemiology
Research Interest: Fish health, aquatic ecosystem health, microbiology.
Email: sotomartinez@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Stoute, Simone
California Health and Food Safety Lab
Population Health and Reproduction
Research Interest: Poultry diagnostics and infectious diseases of relevance to commercial poultry. Diseases of waterfowl species.
Email: ststoute@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Stover, Susan
Thurmond, Mark
Williams, Deniece
Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center
Research Interest: Dairy production, epidemiology and herd health.
Email: dvmwilliams@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page
Ziccardi, Michael
Wildlife Health Center/One Health Institute
Research Interest: Rescue and treatment of birds and marine mammals affected by oil spills.
E-mail: mhziccardi@ucdavis.edu
Faculty Page